Tomodachi Life How To Get Miis To Have A Baby


The higher a Mii's status is with another Mii, the more likely they will become best friends, confess their feelings, and propose. On the other hand, the lower a Mii's status is with another Mii, the more likely they will breakup (if their relationship is romantic). Occasionally, a Mii will ask the player to judge the Mii's relationship with another islander. If they are at Getting along OK. How do you get two miis to have a baby? How do i make two miis be friends when 1 mii is level 32 and the other is 3? How Much Health Does The Final Boss In Tomodachi Quest Have? Can someone share an editable mii qr code? Tomodachi Life Stoped Giving Me Problems. How Do I Get More Prblems? Can your lookalike get married? Oct 20, 2014 Ever wondered what it would be like if the best simulation game experience was real? Well find out anyway! Other people have already done this, so yeah. #singleReady2mingle - Wanna see what.

Sometimes when you look closely at a Mii, they will have something attached to them and you can remove it. This can range from something mundane like a flower petal on their head to something that's ridiculous like a crab on their sleeve. . Tomodachi life how to get travel tickets.

Tomodachi Life
Your Friends. Your Drama. Your Life.
Genre:Life Simulation
Platforms:Nintendo 3DS
Release Date:2013 (Japan)

2014 (Worldwide)

Developer:Nintendo SPD
Previous Game:Tomodachi Collection
Next Game:N/A

Tomodachi Life is a life simulation video game developed by Nintendo SPD and published by Nintendo, and was put for the Nintendo 3DS.

Why It Rocks

  1. The game lets you make Miis and make them live in an apartment in a hotel on an island. The idea of it seems interesting. You can also feed your Mii, dress them, give them interiors, and even dye the Mii's hair. It's more of a simpler version of The Sims.
  2. Spawned Jeff's Tomodachi Life Blog.
  3. The graphics are good, even by 3DS standards.
  4. It also can have relationships such as friendship (or best friend), sweethearts, and even better, marraige.
  5. Speaking of marraige, the married couple can have a baby and grow up to be either a resident or a StreetPass traveler.
  6. You can even watch your Mii's dreams, which is pretty funny.
  7. For the first time ever, your Miis get to speak in full English and other languages.
  8. You can give your Miis gifts such as a Wii U or a punching bag. You can either give them a song, interior, or a catchphrase.
  9. You can even make your own lyrics for your Mii, so your Mii will actualy sing the lyrics.
  10. Great soundtrack.
  11. When you feed your Mii, they have a food reaction. They go from blasting to outer space from melting in a puddle.
  12. The dreams the Miis have are very funny.
  13. If it's your birthday, the Miis will send you to one of the apartments and give you a birthday cake. If it's another Mii's birthday, it'll be on the news rather than a generic everyday news report.
  14. Fun events and minigames like Morning Market, Magic Show, Tomodachi Quest, Word Chain (EU version only), Rap Battle, Judgement Bay, Quirky Questions, etc.

Bad Qualities

How To Get Two Miis To Have A Baby In Tomodachi Life

  1. Some glitches. (Example: When a Mii is yanking something fast on a normal fight, the hand can go off the item for a couple of frames for several times. You wouldn’t know that without taking pictures.)
  2. Fighting. Almost every day, Miis get into fights, while sometimes they forgive each other the first time, they will not be over it, leading the Mii who apologized to become depressed. This can get extremely annoying. However, the Mii will forgive him/her later on sometimes. It's worsened that they can also get into a huge fight, causing 2 Miis to be on fire. Sometimes, if you are unlucky, when the Mii will try to get the 2 flaming Miis to calm down, it doesn't work and they will continue to throw things and each other and break up and not forgive each other ever again.
  3. Curing a Mii's depression (especially when their bar is full) is annoying and very difficult. Fortunately, if you have a travel ticket, you can give it to them and when they come back, their depression is fully cured.
  4. Taking care of the baby is also annoying and very difficult as they constantly cry.
  5. The Miis don't pronounce some words correctly (Examples: 'Echidna' is pronounced 'E-chid-na' instead of 'E-kid-na', and 'Memes' is pronounced 'mehms' instead of 'meems'.).
  6. Someone the Miis' gift reactions don't mix (Examples: Giving a Mario Mii spaghetti and not liking it or giving a chef-related Mii a chef uniform and heavily disliking it.).
  7. Extremely difficult to get SpotPass and StreetPass items nowadays.
  8. The animation in the Miis’ movements are kind of terrible and stiff at times.
  9. Can only hold up to 100 Miis.
  10. Just like Miitopia, it can only have one save profile. If you wanna create a new profile, you have to delete the current profile.
  11. There are only 7 food slots, so sometimes, or most of the time, when you feed your Mii more than 3 items that they like, (excluding the Super All-Time Fav / All-Time Fav bar) or when they don’t like it that much-don’t like it at all, it’s hard to tell what type of food your Mii likes since there is no Disliked Foods bar.


Tomodachi Life How To Get Miis To Have A Baby Boy

Tomodachi Life has received generally positive reviews. It holds a 72% on Metacritic, an 8.4 on IGN, and a 7.5 on Polygon. It is one of the best-selling 3DS games of all time.

Tomodachi life get miis to meet Getting Two Miis Together Whenever you are trying to get two Miis together, it's best not to pair them up with someone of the opposite sex in the same age group. You want to befriend a Mii that is the same sex or opposite age group that is friends with the Mii you want to pair them up with.

Tomodachi life how to get miis to have a baby name
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Tomodachi Life How To Make Miis Have A Baby

Tomodachi Life How To Get Miis To Have A Baby Girl

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  • Whenever two Miis get married, a cutscene plays where they are at their wedding filled with their friends and family looking very happy for them. It ends with the bride throwing the bouquet in the air.
  • The Ballad song. Not only are the default lyrics cute ('Maybe, baby I'm the one for you, Holding Hands forever on this tiny island'), but the little poses they do, especially during duets (sitting on the bench while looking into each other's eyes or laying their heads close to each other at the end), are as well. It gets even better if Miis of your One True Pairing are performing it, or Miis of you and your real life partner.
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  • The Opera song. It starts out sad, but then gets optimistic towards the end ('In your sweet face, I'll find my grace. You'll save me from the dark. And together we shall embark, on a new journey, my love and me.'). It is particularly heartwarming during duets, when the couple does a little dance together, then end the song Holding Hands.
  • Fights:
    • Miis who make up after a fight:
    'I'm sorry about what happened.'
    'I'm sorry too.'
    • When a friendship is broken from a failed apology, there is a possibility the second Mii will come around and repair the friendship, saying they're sick of fighting. Their joyful faces of being friends again will bring a smile to yours too. Even more so if the two Miis were sweethearts or a married couple; no need to worry about a post-fight breakup/divorce:
    'I'm sick of fighting. I want to get along with _____ again.'
  • If you set a birthday for your Miis, the game will actually celebrate them, complete with a small birthday party with their friends, best friend, and family if any apply. They just look so happy together. Furthermore, the news gives out a special report for this, and the man on the street interviews drop the random and sometimes non sequitur responses in favor of the interviewees actually wishing the Mii a happy birthday.
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  • When a Mii changes their mind about going out with a Mii the second time after they realize how much they wanted to.
  • The cutscene for Kid-o-Matic where it shows an adult Mii reliving their childhood again. If an Age-o-Matic is used on a child, the cutscene will show them acting like an adult.
  • When a couple have a baby, they'll call you on your in-game cellphone. When you visit their house, they'll announce that they had a baby. During this time, you can customize said baby if you like, but what's even more heartwarming is if you let fate decide if they had a boy or a girl, as opposed to you deciding yourself, and allow the game to keep the baby's auto-generated appearance instead of changing it. There are lots of Video Game Caring Potential here. Furthermore, the music box melody that plays when a baby is born is adorable. When they grows up, a more modern version of this song is heard.
  • When a child grows up, their parents will give you a photo album detailing all the happy moments they had with their child. The Creative Closing Credits that follows has the player viewing said photo album, ending with a home video of the child and parents at the park. This can double as a Tear Jerker if you decided to send the child off, since you wouldn't be able to see them again except for brief visits. The music that plays during the credits definitely adds to this.
    • To make things even better, the staff roll got a cover on the drums on Twitch, though it is no longer available. The chat's relaxed reactions to the song are just wonderful.
  • Beginning at level 20, when a Mii levels up, they thank you for being so nice to them and give you a valuable coin as a gift.
  • If you give a Mii the guitar, they'll sometimes go to the fountain and serenade a friend or their significant other. And to make it even more adorable, if the Miis are currently raising a child, the child will be sitting right there with them, happily clapping along.
  • Traveler Miis:
    • When you get a letter from one of your Traveler Miis via SpotPass, describing the Traveler's latest adventures, and accompanied by a photo of the Traveler.note If the owner of an island they visit gives them a level up, they'll mention it as well.
    • Occasionally, a Traveler Mii will personally visit you for a brief period before heading back out, doing all of the above while also giving you the opportunity to have them eat with their parents and/or take a nap.
      • Some cute quotes (that honestly double as Tearjerker):
    (while eating)'I haven't eaten this good in a while!'
    (while napping)'Nothing beats Mom's home cookin'..'
    'I won't stop until I've traveled everywhere in the world..'
    • If the Traveler is the child of a divorced couple, any time the divorced parents get a letter or a visit from their child they will get together in one of the two's apartments to read the letter or tend to their child. Even after they separate, the two parents will get together just to assure their child's happiness.
    • Sometimes, travelers will bring along a teddy bear and will play with them until you enter their tent. And even better, when they go to sleep, the teddy gets its own sleeping bag.
  • Whenever Miis wish you a happy birthday on your real life birthday. They'll even give you a Birthday Cake for your troubles. Even better, you can even blow out the candles through the mic.
  • Seeing a Mii in their apartment trying to get you to play a game can put a smile on your face, especially if the Mii is smiling as well. It turns into a minor Tear Jerker if a Mii is frowning while they're trying to get your attention.
  • Whenever an Easygoing Mii appears in a post-Mii News report interview and says either 'You news guys work really hard, don't you?' or 'I'm a big fan of Mii News.'
  • Averting a breakup or a divorce. If successful, the lights in the room will come on and the Miis will make up. Afterwards, the Mii that you talked to will say, 'Thanks for believing in us.':
    Mii 2: I'd like that.
  • Cheering someone up who's been feeling sad, especially if they had a full sadness bar and if you give them their all-time favorite or super all-time favorite food.
  • Looking after Traveler Miis via StreetPass can be very sweet. As long as you don't kick them out of their tents and force them to wait back at the port, you can help them with whatever problem they may have, such as being hungry or sick, as well as give them additional treatment like feeding them or giving them a bath, and they will take a photo of them with one of your islanders and you can let them show it in their game. Also, if the traveler's Gratitude levels up, they'll tell their parents and home island's owner about it when they report back or visit via SpotPass. It's almost a shame you have to say goodbye to them so early because they depart the next day, and even the islanders sometimes say they're always sad when the explorers have to leave.
  • Occasionally, via SpotPass, one of your own travelers will send a letter to their parents and they will read it to you. In the letter, the traveler will tell about their travels if they have had any, sharing with you the islands they have visited and a photo with another Mii that they took, with the scene accompanied with the Mii walking on the beach, or sitting in a beach chair on a miniature version of an island if at 'StreetPass Relay Point Island'. At the end of the letter, they will say they miss their parents and would like to come back, which also doubles as a Tear Jerker. It gets especially heartwarming when later still they do get to come back home.
  • While the Mii News reports are mostly rather amusing, one news report has a Mii get depressed after stepping in dog poo, and so their friends hold an event where they offer them words of encouragement one by one until they feel better. 'Now I really understand the meaning of friendship.'
  • Miis will occasionally ask you if you prefer yourself the way you are now, or the way you used to be. If you say that you like your current self better, they'll reply, 'I agree, you're totally awesome!' You also have the option to say neither, to which the Mii will reply, 'Don't say that! You're perfect just the way you are, (Name)'s look alike!' It gets even more heartwarming when the Mii is the opposite gender.
  • Successfully calming a baby down will cause them to coo with a smile on their face.
  • On New Year's Day, the Miis will sometimes wish you a happy new year. When they do, they say 'I hope this is your best year yet.'
  • One of the Mii's idle animations is rolling on the floor. Give them the Sweets interior and watch them do it.
  • The fact that Miis will get in line and donate each day without fail to make the island a better place.
  • Just watching a family can be pretty nice. The parents are playing with their baby, or they're just chilling while the baby is crawling around, exploring their new world. If the child is a little older, they will either happily run around the house or sit next to their parents on the couch.
  • One of the Quirky Questions is 'Who loves _______?' which opens the possibilities of heartwarming. Even more so if the blank is filled with 'me',note and the asker has a relationship with one of the players that raised their hands.
  • Sometimes a Mii will say that all the islanders have your back. Other times they might wonder how they will pay you back for everything you've done for them. They can even tell you that you are the only one who will ever understand them and the Mii will be thankful for that.
  • One thing an Easygoing Mii can say is that everybody deserves a happy life.
  • Miis appreciate you feeding them so much, they would actually award you with a Golden Spoon should you give out 1,000 food items.
  • Often when a couple visit each other at either their apartment or house, they smile and look into each other's eyes as hearts float over their heads. If they're at their house, a romantic tune will play.
  • The quiet bell melody whenever a Mii wants to confess their feelings to their crush; also the violin/heartbeat song when they're ready to propose.
  • The soft music that plays when a Mii thinks of having a baby is cute.
  • Miis entertaining their children, especially playing peekaboo. The moment the parent goes 'boo!', the child laughs and giggles happily, sometimes falling over.
  • The sad, tragic violin music played when a Mii is missing its ex-lover may be depressing, but it shows that they want to give it another shot.
  • Proposals:
    • During the second line of a proposal, a Mii will complement their sweetheart, which flatters them. This is especially good with the boy to girl proposals. For example, during the fireworks show:
    Male Mii: You know..your beauty shines even brighter than the fireworks.
    • In the fancy restaurant:
    Male Mii: The view's great, but not as good as my view right now. You look gorgeous tonight.
    Female Mii: Aww, thanks! You're making me blush, hee hee!
    • The Mii finally popping the question to their partner, and they happily accept, complete with celebratory romantic music.
    • You clapping along after the proposal was successfully carried out. To make this even happier, at the restaurant and train station, everyone else will clap too, and there will be doves in the background at the amusement park, and the fireworks show has a firework explode into a giant heart with smaller hearts showering them.
  • When a Mii confesses their feelings to their crush and they accept, the crush nods happily and says, 'Sure!', and the confessor will get excited.note When you get to their apartment later on, they will do a very happy dance as the captions say, 'It went like a dream!'
  • Miis confessing their feelings to their crushes are totally adorable. You get to decide what they do. Either the Mii acts traditional, saying something like 'I love you', boasts, acts cute, acts romantic, begs desperately, sings something, you can give them a line to say, or you can give them something to present to their crush as a gift. The traditional, romantic, and cute confessions are the best, especially the latter. Same goes for the singing. Using a line also works.
  • Sometimes a Mii will attempt to set two of their friends up on a date. If it works, the Miis will happily approach the fountain; the male Mii says they had the best time today while dancing, while the female Mii agrees and wants to hang out again, as she tips her head with a wink. Immediately after this, the Miis will automatically become a couple, without either of them saying they have feelings for the other. You can tell if the setup will work if the Miis talk to each other in each of the three scenes, rather than them just staring into the distance.
  • While interventions are funny at least, if the admired Mii chooses someone other than the confessing Mii, the player has to decide if they're a good match. If accepting, the Miis will look at each other lovingly, but if rejecting, they will stare with 'Oh, Crap!' faces instead. The confessing Mii won't be very happy though.
  • It's totally cute to see a married couple eating, brushing their teeth, or even sleeping together. It gets even cuter if they have a child with them.
  • Choosing to have a child remain on the island will have them thank you for being such a great friend to everyone. These are the child's very first words.
  • Giving the Ballet manual to a Mii will have them dance like a graceful ballerina. They will either stand en pointe, or perform a jeté, fouetté, or pirouette, the last two being the most graceful and enchanting. If you give a Mii the Hula-dancing manual, they will do the hula dance complete with a smile and pink hibiscus flowers floating behind them. Finally, if several Miis have the Ballet or Hula-dancing manuals, they may even gather in one apartment and dance in unison. It's perfectly synced, too!
  • Before seeing one of your travelers leave, it's heartwarming to hear what they have to say:
    Are you crying, [Player]'s look-alike? Please don't cry..
    Don't you worry about me. I'll be careful out there, just like always!
    Give me a big smile when you say good-bye, OK? I need you to be strong!
    I wonder what wondrous places I'll visit next..
    It's important to stay in touch with people you love.
    Thump, thump, thump.. Isn't my heart beating loudly?
  • A few things a Mii can do on the beach is run across the tides, dig a hole, or even build a sandcastle. Cuter if they have a sweetheart — they can run down the beach chasing each other or even splash each other. If the Miis are raising a child, they'll help one parent build the sandcastle as the other parent watches.
  • Sometimes when two Miis go to a fountain, they'll sit on the edge and repeatedly splash each other. It gets cuter if the Miis are dating or married. If they're raising a child, they'll watch them and enjoy it.
  • When a parent is raising a child, they will sit on the floor and rock back and forth, repeatedly opening their mouths as if singing. A similar interaction occurs when they clap together.
  • If you give a Mii the Rent-a-Dog/Cat coupon, they will frequently have that respective pet visit their apartment. With a dog present, it runs around, often shaking its tail, sits before its owner, or the owner tosses a ball for the dog to fetch and teeth at. Having a cat over will have the Miis watch it walk around slowly, sometimes rolling over, the owner holds it affectionately, or pulls out a feather toy for the cat to play with.
  • Some girl conversations at the café. The girls can talk about how handsome certain boys are, regardless whether or not they're dating or even married, or comment on two Miis in a relationship being an adorable couple. One girl might wish she was cuter, and two other friends give suggestions, but rarely, the last girl to speak will say she's already a cutie and shouldn’t think too hard on it. Sometimes the Miis might wonder how they know if they're in love.
  • Petting a Mii's head:
    • It's really cute to often pet the Mii's head. Petting it long enough will cause them to jump a little with the caption 'It looks like [they] really liked that!', followed by their happiness going up a bit. If it's a traveler Mii when you're petting their head, they will comment that you have a nice touch.
    • If the traveler is homesick, as signaled by a picture of a house appearing in their head, and you pet their head, they'll comment they haven't had such nice attention for a long time. Right after this, they'll say, 'I feel brave again, thanks to you!'
    • One line by the Miis lampshades this:
    Hate to ask, but can you maybe give my head a good pat now and then?
  • If the parent of a divorced couple marries again, their child will happily attend the wedding. Their ex, however, will not.
  • If a Mii is given a disposable camera and you tell them to take a photo of someone, they'll occasionally take a photo of a couple; if they're dating, they'll either smile at a four-leaf clover, feed each other at the café, take a selfie, or two other Miis might watch them run down the beach. Bonus points if they're married — they'll be spending time with each other at their house. Gets even more heartwarming for certain photo names, 'Dreamy Love Forever', 'Love Letter' and 'Genuine Smile', to name a few.
  • If you delete your save file with travelers on the port, they will not be deleted, because StreetPass data is tied to the SD Card, not the cartridge data. It can be a nice surprise if you StreetPass with a friend or relative a few times and get your traveler back. While you can interact with them, you will not be able to receive any letters from them.

Tomodachi Life How To Get Miis To Have A Baby Name
